Article: Thermodynamic matrix exponentials and thermodynamic parallelism
Here, we provide a thermodynamic algorithm for exponentiating a real matrix. We describe a simple electrical circuit involving coupled oscillators, which can...
Here, we provide a thermodynamic algorithm for exponentiating a real matrix. We describe a simple electrical circuit involving coupled oscillators, which can...
We consider an alternative physics-based computing paradigm based on classical thermodynamics, to provide a near-term approach to accelerating linear algebra.
Upcoming: 2024-03-20, U. Chicago, Computations in Science Seminar
We consider an alternative physics-based computing paradigm based on classical thermodynamics, to provide a near-term approach to accelerating linear algebra.
We consider an alternative physics-based computing paradigm based on classical thermodynamics, to provide a near-term approach to accelerating linear algebra.
We consider an alternative physics-based computing paradigm based on classical thermodynamics, to provide a near-term approach to accelerating linear algebra.
We consider an alternative physics-based computing paradigm based on classical thermodynamics, to provide a near-term approach to accelerating linear algebra.
We consider an alternative physics-based computing paradigm based on classical thermodynamics, to provide a near-term approach to accelerating linear algebra.
We consider an alternative physics-based computing paradigm based on classical thermodynamics, to provide a near-term approach to accelerating linear algebra.
Protein−ligand binding free-energy calculations using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have emerged as a powerful tool for in silico drug design. Here, we...
A brief overview of information measures on classical, discrete probability distributions. Tech. Note 009 v0.8 [ Full Text ]
The Parameter Shift Rule is a cunning, recently developed method for evaluation gradients of quantum circuits on a quantum computer. But it has two problems…
Gavin E. Crooks (2020)
Notes on the circuit model of quantum computing. Currently mostly an exposition on the menagerie of quantum gates.
QuantumFlow: A Quantum Algorithms Development Toolkit and Cross Compiler
Notes on the circuit model of quantum computing. Currently mostly an exposition on the menagerie of quantum gates.
The Parameter Shift Rule is a cunning, recently developed method for evaluation gradients of quantum circuits on a quantum computer. But it has two problems…
For a native gate set which includes all single-qubit gates, we apply results from symplectic geometry to analyze the spaces of two-qubit programs accessible...
The (virtual) Journal of Lost Papers: Article 001
The Weyl chamber of canonical non-local 2-qubit gates. Papercraft meets quantum computing. Print, cut, fold, and paste.
Mayor server upgrade. The old server was getting very old and crufty. WebLogo moved to a shiny new AWS instance, with up to date installations of linux, apac...
The parameter-shift rule is an approach to measuring gradients of quantum circuits with respect to their parameters, which does not require ancilla qubits or...
Notes on the circuit model of quantum computing. Currently mostly an exposition on the menagerie of quantum gates on 2-qubits.
For a native gate set which includes all single-qubit gates, we apply results from symplectic geometry to analyze the spaces of two-qubit programs accessible...
The Weyl chamber of canonical non-local 2-qubit gates. Papercraft meets quantum computing. Print, cut, fold, and paste.
Survey of over 170 continuous univariate probability distributions (and at least as many synonyms) organized into 20 families. First dead tree edition.
Gavin E. Crooks and Susanne Still, EPL 125:40005 (2019).
QuantumFlow v0.8.0: Automatic differentiation of quantum circuits and SGD training of quantum networks. Now with TensorFlow 2.0 backend.
3.7 (2019-03-04) [Gavin Crooks] Refactor and cleanup code, removing python 2.7 support Extend API documentation WebLogo python package is now ‘webl...
Added Porter-Thomas, Epanechnikov, biweight, triweight, Libby-Novick, Gauss hypergeometric, confluent hypergeometric, Johnson-SU, and log-Cauchy distributions
The Weyl chamber of canonical non-local 2-qubit gates. Papercraft meets quantum computing. Print, cut, fold, and paste. (Should look like Fig. 4 of quant-p...
Gavin E. Crooks, arXiv: 1811.08419 (2018) [ PDF | Code]
Announcing QuantumFlow, a python package that emulates a gate based quantum computer using modern optimized tensor libraries (numpy, TensorFlow, or torch). ...
A brief overview of information measures on classical, discrete probability distributions. Tech. Note 009 v0.7 [ Full Text ]
C. M. Wilson, J. S. Otterbach, N. Tezak, Robert S. Smith, Gavin E. Crooks, and Marcus P. da Silva, arXiv:1806.08321 (2018)
Gavin E. Crooks, Susanne Still, arXiv:1611.04628
Josh Fass, David A. Sivak, Gavin E. Crooks, Kyle A. Beauchamp, Benedict Leimkuhler, and John D. Chodera Entropy, 20(5):318 (2018).
3.6 (2017-12-29) [Gavin Crooks, Melissa Fabros] refactor version string creation update testing framework for use with tox and pytest weblogo is ce...
Whats New: Added hyperbola, hyperbolic, Halphen, Halphen B, inverse Halphen B, generalized Halphen, Sichel, Appell Beta, K and generalized K distributions. T...
Grant M. Rotskoff, Gavin E. Crooks, Eric Vanden-Eijnden Phys. Rev. E 95 012148 (2017)
Gavin E. Crooks, Susanne Still, arXiv:1611.04628
David Sivak, Gavin E. Crooks Phys. Rev. E 94(5):052106 (2016)
Whats New: Added pseudo Voigt,and Student’s t_3 distributions. Reparameterized hyperbolic sine distribution. Derived limit of Unit gamma to log-normal.Corre...
Todd R. Gingrich, Grant M. Rotskoff, Gavin E. Crooks, Phillip L. Geissler Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2016)
3.5 (2016-07-24) [Gavin Crooks, Melissa Fabros] Moved source control from GoogleCode to GitHub Switched from Subversion as version control method to ...
Let this book be dedicated to the chemists of the newer generation, who will not wish to reject all inferences from conjecture or surmise, but who will no...
Optimal Thermodynamic Control and the Dynamic Riemannian Geometry of Ising magnets 55 Roessler Hall, UC Davis, 4:10 - 5:30 PM, Monday 25th April 2016 Pap...
Whats New: Added Hohlfeld distribution. Added appendix on limits. Reformatted and rationalized distribution hierarchy diagrams. Fixed typos and improved form...
Todd R. Gingrich, Grant M. Rotskoff, Gavin E. Crooks, Phillip L. Geissler arXiv:1602.01459
At last!
Entropy production fluctuation theorem and the nonequilibrium work relation for free energy differences Gavin E. Crooks Phys. Rev. E 60, 2721 (2000)
Grant M. Rotskoff, Gavin E. Crooks, Phys. Rev. E, 92, 060102 (2015) [ Full text | Journal| arXiv ] Abstract A general understanding of optimal contr...
Optimal Thermodynamic Control and the Dynamic Riemannian Geometry of Ising magnets Stonybrook University Friday Oct. 30, 2:30pm, Laufer Center lecture ha...
Over the next 2 weeks I will be lecturing at the Princeton Center for Theoretical Science on non-equilibrium statistical dynamics. The Fluctuations of Diss...
“And then there’s quantum, of course.” The monk sighed. “There’s always bloody quantum.”
A brief overview of information measures on classical, discrete probability distributions. [
Srividya Iyer-Biswas, Charles S. Wright, Jonathan T. Henry, Klevin Lo, Stanislav Burov, Yihan Lin, Gavin E. Crooks, Sean Crosson, Aaron R. Dinner, Norbert F...
Srividya Iyer-Biswas, Gavin E. Crooks, Norbert F. Scherer, and Aaron R. Dinner, Phys. Rev. Lett., 113, 028101 (2014)
I am proud to announce that Simon Fraser University has hired David Sivak (Former Crooks’ Ensemble Postdoctoral Fellow) to the position of Assistant Profes...
3.4 (2014-06-03) [Gavin Crooks, Eric Talevich] Python 3 Weblogo now runs under python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3 & 3.4 (Python2.5 is no longer suppor...
David A. Sivak, John D. Chodera, Gavin E. Crooks, arXiv:1301.3800
Media: The American Scholar By Josie Glausiusz
Version: 0.5 BETA In a desperate attempt to preserve my own sanity, a survey of probability distributions used to describe a single, continuous, unimodal, u...
David A. Sivak, John D. Chodera, Gavin E. Crooks, Phys. Rev. X 3, 011007 (2013)
In science, as in life, it is extremely dangerous to fall in love with beautiful models.
Patrick R. Zulkowski David A. Sivak, Gavin E. Crooks, Michael R. DeWeese Phys. Rev. E, 86, 041148 (2012)
♬ Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but here’s my paper - so cite me maybe? ♬
This paper is a melding of ideas about machine learning from Susanne Still and Tony Bell, with ideas from David and I about nonequilibrium thermodynamics. Fo...
Memory has great survival utility … but why would forgetting be adaptive. Forgetting well is almost as important as remembering well. Forgetting is about ...
3.3 (2012-07-02) [Gavin Crooks, David Sivak] Improved the algorithm that guesses the sequence type (DNA, RNA or protein) (Kudos: Bug report, Roland Pac...
David A. Sivak, Gavin E. Crooks, Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 190602 (2012)
David A. Sivak, Gavin E. Crooks, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 150601 (2012)
3.2 (2012-01-30) [Gavin Crooks, David Sivak] Graphical interface now accepts transfac format motif files. New output format option: SVG (Scalable Vec...
People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.
Jerome P. Nilmeier, Gavin E. Crooks, David L. D. Minh, and John D. Chodera, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2011) 108(45) E1009-E1018
Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not...
This release contains mostly code improvement, minor bug fixes, small user enhancements and other miscellanies maintenance. Command line: Add parsing o...
The word ‘reversible’ has two (apparently) distinct applications in statistical thermodynamics. A thermodynamically reversible process indicates an experimen...
Gavin E. Crooks, and David A. Sivak, J. Stat. Mech.: Theor. Exp. P06003 (2011)
President Honors Outstanding Early-Career Scientists
Super-duper-operator (n): An operator is a linear map that acts on a vector space. A superoperator is an operator of an operator, an operator that acts on a...
Substitute damn every time you’re inclined to write very; your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be.
Excursions in Statistical Dynamics by Gavin Earl Crooks A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of D...
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